Hack Ann Arbor
Hack Ann Arbor is/was a project I started inspired in part by A “Hacker’s” Guide to the Bay Area and to address a need (in my own small way) which the Ann Arbor community often seems to lack, specifically the lack of any real centralized resources or cross-community dialogue. I was interviewing with a start-up which had mostly uprooted itself from Indiana in order to take advantage of the programs available in Ann Arbor and I thought moving your company into an unknown community was bold. So to benefit those people and to benefit the established Ann Arbor community I put Hack Ann Arbor together. The reaction has been pretty good and people have been eager to offer contributions.
In the interest of continuing the project true to the principles in which it was built the site itself is folding into Made In A2, a similar effort with a slightly broader focus. Currently Made in A2 is hosting all of Hack Ann Arbor’s content and more, further development will happen there. While the URL will remain, eventually hackannarbor.com will redirect directly to madeina2.com. Made In A2 holds the same principles as Hack Ann Arbor and anyone is free to contribute content in the same way.