Site features
- webmentions
- expand about page
- expand now page
- michigan micro seasons calendar
- michigan notable locations map (probably via leaflet and geojson https://leafletjs.com/examples/geojson/)
- reviews
- image stream
- webrings
- submit to https://aboutideasnow.com/
- favicon
- 404 should be more robust, wayback machine api
- use git hash to generate color band
- my jam
- Obsidian config
- VSCode config
- 11ty config, linting
- browser config
- using WP Migrate and Local to manage site development
- building a WP theme/plugins for multiple units in higher-ed, decisions to make
- twitch channel/stream setup
Side Projects
- start a Twitch channel
- GPSE WP block
- CSpell/Vale Obsidian plugin
- WP staff directory plugin